
Sunday, October 2, 2011


walking slowly home from dance class yesterday maya and i came upon a little table by the house of color run by iiiahh. three ladies wo-manned the the table which was covered with photos of objects and curious objects such as a george washington era wig made from a diaper, a box which when opened contained a tiny theater with a tinier mouse in a mousetrap watching a show, and a felt puppet whose teeth were made from a hair clip. People kept stopping by, mostly asking if the things were for sale (they weren't) and many staying for a little while to check out the objects and ask questions. maya was pretty delighted. there was a tunnel with a flashlight inside that you could switch on, a sequined black jellyfish made from an old purse, and more.

this could have been an art show to encourage recycling but there was more to it. i looked at the web site and it turned out that in previous weeks these ladies had held swap meets where people were encouraged to stop by the tables to look at a mouse house made of bread and little wooden puzzle pieces, and to trade something they had with them or at home for one of the wooden pieces. the artists then took home the swapped objects they had obtained, photographed them, and then made them into something new. look at the website--it explains things much more clearly than i just did.

this process appealed to me quite a bit, as a way to increase the circles of communication, encourage reuse, and inspire people to do something different with their time. i am sure there is a more scholarly way to put it, but it was just kind of fun.

nothing heavy duty in this post, nosiree! if you click on the iiiahh link please take a few minutes to check out the awesome clip of a man advocating for sensible spelling.

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