
Thursday, February 23, 2012

more whining, actually ranting

all right, since i just whined in that last post i will do it again.

rats are ruining my little urban garden! neighbors are saying that when they started the huge hospital rebuild next door a lot of rats lost their homes and moved to the surrounding blocks. it may not be much but tending to my garden is something i really enjoy. lately seeds have not been growing,and then we saw a rat, and then another, and then i realized the rats were taking the seeds. on another gardener's advice i planted some seeds up on my deck in egg cartons and the first night the seeds were taken and the egg carton ripped up. then last night something chewed all the leaves off my prize collard greens tree (grown from a clipping a gardener in the richmond community garden gave me two years ago). i know they are just little creatures trying to survive but BOO ON RATS. now everything i pick will feel just a little less fresh and healthy and a little more contaminated by rat feet. it just makes me want to go have a drink and listen to some metal music in a loud bar. AAAAHHHHHHH!!!! how dare those rats mess with my little vegetable paradise? and how are we going to get rid of them??


na_na_nancy said...

You need a cat!

paca said...

My neighbor has some non poisonous rat killer I can get her recipe. Or you can call a pest company....

Anonymous said...

Yuck, cats are just as bad. Don't you know they use garden beds as toilets? Please, please don't add to the outdoor-cat population of the city. The birds will thank you.

I think Pam Peirce has written in the Chron about ideas for controlling rats--you could search the archives. You can find indoor-outdoor battery-powered Rat Zappers at the hardware store. Expensive but won't kill birds. Please don't resort to poison. The numbers of owls in the city (the best rat hunters of all) are growing.