
Monday, May 24, 2010


i am feeling very farmy-y right now. today i harvested a big bunch of carrots, parsnips with their greens, arugula and one beet from our little garden. i roasted the parsnips and carrots, and just made up a parsnip greens recipe with what we had:

take all the leaves off the stems, steam until tender
saute one chopped onion and a little leftover turkey in olive oil
add greens, a little wine, some salt and pepper, and a few shakes of jalepeno hot sauce

very tasty and healthy. it is encouraging to be able to grow food in this little not so ideal yard. if we can grow vegetables here with some love and care then a lot of things are possible.

of course my kids won't actually eat these vegetables but that is a different story.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Mmmm, can't wait for some Deiner-Millman farm cookin'!