
Sunday, September 19, 2010

steamroller prints at the center for the book festival on potrero hill


i have been terrible about taking photos lately, but i found this image online of the steamroller at the roadworks steamroller prints street fair in potrero hill.

maya and i spent a good three hours there. i like this festival not only for the social factor of bumping into friendly faces (both familiar and new), and the unexpectedly great entertainment (salsa dancing! a funny soulful singer-songwriter! a cute indy-pop band maya danced like crazy to! maya's buddy hugo's sister's amazing kids taiko drumming group with a chance for maya and other kids to play the drums together at the end! a troupe of girls performing traditional chinese dance!) but there is also that great element of pre-apocalyptic creation. sure there are laptops and iphones all over this crowd, but there are also a bunch of artists making things--journals out of discarded library books, and prints, prints, prints, on paper, hats, shirts, calendars. they enjoy hand-making things and seem to be saying they will be around whether or not high tech and corporations continue to dominate much of the world.

i will come every year to see the steamroller pressing down that old carpet, and the subsequent excitement when the carpet is lifted and a beautiful print held high for all to see. the crowd goes wild!

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