so, who to vote for on tuesday?
i'm not a very political person. in college i remember going to a pro-choice rally in d.c. i had a bad cold and ended up guzzling a bottle of cough medicine with codeine that made me wacky. i yelled out the windows of the bus on the highway. i watched in a daze as people dressed as grim reapers with red-painted baby dolls glued onto scythes walked by. a girl i knew as my roomate's on and off bed buddy was so overcome with emotion that she flung a coat hanger into a crowd of reaper types chanting hey hey ho ho baby killing's got to go behind a police barrier.
so many different people and their different opinions. so many grim reapers and coat hanger flingers.
i think i was on student council a few years or so in middle school. this was definitely a ploy to get out of class.
now that i have a little more time to panic about the future for my children i am thinking more about politics. i actually liked john edwards quite a bit but he has gone bye-bye. farewell john edwards. listening to npr, reading the economist and the new yorker, these things are not helping me choose between barack and hillary. do you have an opinion? will you share?
what i want from the next administration:
1.stronger policies for the environment. love your mother!! how did things get so bad? what is wrong with human beings? this would include thought-out investment and support for good technologies (i know many people think technology is neutral, not me)
2. economic policies that help people who need help (including health, homes)
3. education reform that moves kids towards being future parts of numbers one and two
4. money away from the war
i wish i knew more about the global economy and trade, but i know almost nothing. fair trade sounds good to me though.
and while I'm at it, how about someone to babysit my kids once in a while? help me lose some weight? scrub my floors? turn potrero avenue into a pedestrian mall? bring my friends back to san francisco? cure me of my heights phobias? return my library books?
so, anyone out there have any ideas for me? maybe when i am older i will have time to be a better researcher.
i guess the bottom line is that i want the democratic candidate most likely to beat the republican candidate. hopefully that will be the best person for the presidency...
I heard Stephanie Obama talk and she was pretty great. A lot about your #2, #3 #4. Both she and her hubby came from working class worlds. I think they've got more Edwards than Hillary. I also met one of Obama's high school friends, he was very cool. I'm going Obama - hope, unity, get out of the war, take some personal responsiblity for your government.
Your in California - can you get out on SUper Tues - its important!! : ) Colorado is going caucus crazy!
I'm all for Obama too. He maybe a little green in terms of experience, but we need some young, fresh ideas.
Miss you!!!
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