
Saturday, June 9, 2007

peer pressure

well, i'm going to try and write a blog about living in the city, a city from which my friends with children are disappearing into the distance almost weekly. vroom, my best friend in the world is in the midwest. whoosh, two more friends to the distant planet of the east bay. zing, to portland. whiz, to seattle. a-OOO-ga, packing the car and heading down to a new home in southern califonia near a tribe of cousins and aunts and uncles. there are lots of people left, i know this because it is often hard to park. but i have a potent inner child, one who hated to be left alone and behind, and she wants to understand what we should do about the exodus. my old band hazy had a song "where should we live" and i shouted those lyrics so many times they have become burned in my seratonin deprived brain. as well as should i stay or should i go. instead of ruining good life hours browsing websites for bay area town demographics and rentals or torturing my husband with my circluar thinking i will write this blog and focus on what this city life gives us, and takes away. right now the little underpants heads are slumbering, the big one probably dreaming of the green electric guitar with green strap he needs (he is four and 3 months), the little one possibly dreaming of the handfuls of mud she moved across the garden today, both of their sleep background noised by pounding mexican polka like music that has been blasting all day from somewhere in the jungle of our block's connected backyards. i hear a siren go by, and a man i don't know laughing. i'm feeling already that there is a lot to write about.

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