
Friday, April 16, 2010

i woke up at 4:30 am this morning

went out tonight to meet a newish mom friend and have a drink in the mission.

walking up 24th 6:30. there's singing chen from miles'school. a party of wise worn out looking folks in front of AA. the sounds of a church band. a couple walking by reminiscing about the loss of so many taquerias. i meet a friend of a good friend who moved away--pet his massive dog and lament our friend being across the bay and talk about planning a get-together. my friend and i meet in front of philz and end up talking to a cool older woman about homeless shelters and government and just wanting people to feel like there is hope. all i can think is that while we are capitalists things will be screwed.

we go to the homestead and have a few drinks.

walking down 24th st 9:30. a crowd breaks into applause inside the little cool gallery by the skateboard shop. i smell fir bark, weed, urine, mexican food, a crowd of homeless guys and the smell of malt liquor. three happy dudes saying i haven't seen that little homey in so fucking long! a hip girl with long hair and glasses has a foul mouth, talking about friends and their love affairs, "she shit on his chest and it was a year after they were dating and"--she and her two male friends veer into the sushi bistro which is shockingly packed with hipsters, neon lights on in the window. waiting at the corner of potrero i recall the shooting at papa potrero's just months ago and feel a twinge of nerves as some drunk inside bellows about elvis presley. on my block younger neighbors are unloading bikes from a truck into a garage where i have seen the same paintings hanging for 13 years. i think about walking back and shaking hands, introducing myself, but have not had enough drinks.

at home our good old friend from delaware we moved out here with is over, finished mixing music with rich. the conversation quickly veers to the depressing topic of him being unable to afford an apartment with his girlfriend. thoughts turn automatically to fleeing, but where. our friends scattered everywhere.

every time i walk through the starr king open space i think how pretty it is, how much i love being there. is it the juxtaposition of that open area, the waving grass, rocks, sky, the bay across one hill and the houses all over the others? or just being in nature? maya found a dead butterfly this morning, and a ladybug this afternoon. she always picks and squeezes the pineapple weed to get the scent out.

maybe this is what holds us here, that juxtaposition we can feel almost every day, keeping things new.

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